If you have not yet hooked up with Derek and Ariel on twitter or their own websites and blogs, and you are an independent musician - do so immediately!
These two are the movers and shakers and idea makers of the music 'biz' today. They give away useful advice by the bushel and will help get your own wheels turning.
I am raving about them again today because Ariel is giving away her latest concoction:
And wow, it starts off with a good laugh...enjoy!
Also I wanted to make mention of the fact that I am seeing more and more services available for artists, which cover everything from grant writing to help with promotion, and while I don't knock these services (we here at Rave On also provide these services - so not to shoot self in foot), they can be great for those who don't want to do things themselves, but you don't NEED them, and you can still get on out on there on your own, without spending a lot of money.
It's a rare thing that you need a middleman, well, maybe if we're talking brain surgery, but we're do-it-your-selfers and we're proof that it works.
I just wanted to say that because of some of the creative marketing spin I am seeing..and you know marketing and advertising, it's about sales.
I'm just saying.