Two quick things:
Of course it would have been an amazing interview, because Mike was involved in so many aspects of the music industry; and not only was he a brilliant multi-instrumentalist, he was one heck of a nice guy.
For the past week everyone who knew Mike has been sharing stories about their experiences, and even though Mike can't, I was thinking that if everyone who knew him, could hand out some helpful advice, or lend a hand to an up and coming artist - I think the universe would be grateful and what a great way to remember Mike!
One thing he said to me recently that I can share was: "Go slow, that's the best way to do it!". I know I'll always remember that whether I am practicing scales or just walking the dog. Good advice. Thanks Mike.
The memorial service for Mike Norman will be on September 1st at 1:30pm at First Memorial Funeral Service, 1340 Dominion Ave. Port Coquitlam, BC. (Right next to the PoCo Long & McQuade).
NME says: DIY is great, but every band needs a helping hand to be successful
Colin Roberts works for Biglife Management, who have looked after Klaxons, The Verve, The Futureheads and Shitdisco.
What does managing a band entail?
“We offer advice and financial backing: we help the band make the album they want to make, get it to all the right ears, organise tours and gain success without having to give away massive chunks of their income to a label. Right now is an exciting time to explore new methods of getting your songs out there.”
What should new bands aim for first: management or a record deal?
“I think working with good management is now more important for a new band than it’s ever been. With labels in a state of flux and traditional record deals rapidly becoming a thing of the past, having the backing of an established team can be all a band needs to take off – a deal isn’t necessarily the way to go. It’s quite likely now that a band could happily flourish without one, electing to release their own records with the experience and financial backing of a company like Biglife. It’s something we did very recently with an already successful band – The Futureheads – and it’s something that can work just as well with new, emerging talent.”
When should a new band look for management?
“Ideally, you’ll want to approach a management company when you have a cannon of great songs and some live experience under your belt. Don’t make the mistake a lot of bands do by trying to garner interest straight after you’ve recorded your first demo – it can be enough to put people off in the long term.”
How do you choose which bands to work with?
“It all comes down to the big ‘S’ – songs. If you’re making great music, then it’s more than likely that we’ll come to you before you even approach us.”
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