Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Friday, December 14, 2012
How to speak to your kids about tragedy~
Please share this link around:
And also, here is a repost of a post I wrote a while ago:
"Well this isn't just for music folks, but a reminder to everyone ~
Thursday, December 13, 2012

I wanted to quickly tell you how great Heather and Don at EARasers and Persona Medical have been to us, and how cool their product is.
I know there are so many great ear protection products out there these days, but after searching for an alternative to molded plugs, for a lower volume environment, EARasers win the day.
They are almost invisible, super easy to get in and out and are so >CLEAR< I mean CLEAR like WOW - you won't believe it!
And the customer service is A+++; these folks have been amazing from the start. From making a specialized product to meet our needs, to sending Buster treats from Florida and having the best communication of any company I can think of - they have it all.
I know I'm gushing, but I want to give praise where it's due, and these people have it going on.
And did I say the price is right?
** If you wear a small size hit me as I have one pair left I'd be happy to pass along to you to check out!
(Also note, while they didn't pass the Roxy stage volume test, because of the heavy bottom end and well, yeah, the loud volume - for anything quieter than the stage at the roller, they would be perfect!!)
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
A nice story from Adam ~
Jim is also in the hospital with my father, and he's battling Alzheimer's. Jim's wife Judy spends day and night with her husband of 47 years, wearing a smile from morning to night, only running home for a few minutes at a time to make home cooked meals for Jim.
That in itself is beautiful to see how much she cares about her husband... but, Judy herself had a heart attack less than 7 weeks ago. To hear the story of her heart attack is like hearing a script to the sweetest movie ever written. When Judy was hospitalized at another hospital, all she could think about was pretending she was healthy so she could get released quickly, to once again be there for Jim.
Today Judy found out she has cancer. Judy and Jim have no other family other than each other, and instead of dealing with her own issues, she is right back with Jim feeding him a home cooked meal with that same smile she has worn for 47 years. The more time I get to spend with them, the more I learn just how beautiful this Judy lady is. It turns out her husband's company was forced into bankruptcy in 1986, and instead of putting a strain on Jim, Judy went out and got a second job.
This lady is truly an inspiration. She is beautiful inside and out, and I really want to adopt them both as my grandparents. Guys, if you have a good woman, do not... I repeat... do not screw it up, because in 47 years when you truly need someone, you better hope you still have your precious Judy.
Do yourself a favor and tell your Judy how much you love her. Judy, you are truly an inspiration, and you have new friends for life ♥"
Adam H. Hurstfield
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Sharing a gift from Brock~
Just received this from Brock and it's such a great vibe I wanted to share it -
"'s a little fun present for is the last song of the World Kindness Concert (all the performers are on stage in this song - Leora Cashe, John Mann, Valdy, Jonas & Jeanette, Bobby Bruce, Michaela Slinger, Sharon Small, Adam Lucas, Marcus Mosely, Will Sanders, Bill Sample & Band, Marcus' Chorale, Shari Ulrich, Michael Vincent, and Bill Henderson - all on stage together!!!:-) and you get to see me dancing like crazy!
I don't know what got into me, but i was a wreck for the next few days and my knee, from my knee replacement operation, was swollen and in pain for days after, but it was worth it!
Sit back and enjoy it... KINDNESS takes a lot of 'heart' work!
....always follow your heart,
Brock - to see more about the WKConcert, my 3 bicycle trips around North America, Speaking Engagements, Kindness Rocks, etc.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Holidays are on their way!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Elise Estrada and XOXO Entertainment Corp. release “Wonder Woman” song dedicated to the memory of Amanda Todd to raise awareness about bullying.
Elise Estrada and XOXO Entertainment Corp. release “Wonder Woman” song dedicated to the memory of Amanda Todd to raise awareness about bullying.
All proceeds will be donated to ‘The Amanda Todd Legacy Memorial Fund’.
Vancouver, BC (October 23, 2012) - The story of Amanda Todd has touched us all. A local 15- year-old girl took her own life due to bullying. The tragedy hit home and immediately struck a chord in Pop Star Elise Estrada and hit producer/songwriter Adam H. Hurstfield. “We needed to do something to help these kids.” states Elise Estrada. Immediately, the XOXO team (along with Vic Levak) decided to use their talents by doing what they do best, and purely volunteered to create “Wonder Woman”, a song dedicated to honor Amanda’s legacy, and raise awareness about bullying.
All of the proceeds of the sale of the “Wonder Woman” single will be donated to the “Amanda Todd Legacy Memorial Fund” to contribute to various anti bullying campaigns and Suicide Prevention. – “We need to change the world so no other person has to suffer in silence. We all have a voice and we need to stand up against bullying” proclaims Adam H. Wonder Woman has already proven itself to be the voice of children who are being bullied. It was created to inspire our generation and generations to follow to stand up to stop bullying.
Touched by the sentiment of what Elise and Adam H. were doing, Grammy Winner Orlando Calzada immediately volunteered to take some time off from working with the likes of One Direction and Lady Gaga to mix engineer the song. Another American superstar, Mastering guru, Larry Lachmann also stepped up to the plate to honor this sweet Canadian girl. Since then, Universal Music Canada has put aside various projects to rush to release the song to iTunes (available now), director “Ali Visanji” and his team have donated their time to create a music video to service to MuchMusic and various
Television outlets, and many pop superstars have taken photos holding signs reading “RIP Amanda Todd” and “Just Like Wonder Woman”. Radio has also stepped up to the plate to support the cause, and “Wonder Woman” is already playing nation- wide. Amanda’s story has touched the globe.
“Something needs to be done so our kids, and our grandkids, never have to live through what Amanda Todd had to live through. When we grew up, the bullying ended when we left the playground, but with today’s technology and cyber-bullying, these kids are tortured day and night” says Hurstfield.
It is our hope that you too will want to make noise to honor Amanda Todd, and to help spread the message that bullying is a serious issue. We need to make a change so no other kid has to hurt this way. We all have a voice and we need to stand up now.
Wonder Woman Song Available on
Wonder Woman (Lyric Video)
Create your own version of “Wonder Woman” and download the Karaoke version here:
Vancouver Foundation - The Amanda Todd Legacy Memorial Fund
“Just Like Wonder Woman” Movement Send in your photos holding a sign that says “Just Like Wonder Woman” and be heard now:
For more information/Interviews/Performances please contact: Jackie Sonegra
Saturday, October 20, 2012
It's finished! Scatterheart - I Get The Feeling, We've Hit The Ceiling
Friday, October 19, 2012
Spend Halloween supporting the community!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
You - LIVE!
Just a quickie - I hope you're all delving into live on-line gigs and Q&A's - live is the way to go!
Rainn was answering questions on Klip, Jody Quine has her Thursday night show on Stagit, Kate Kelton has her Q&A on VYou, LOD is utilizing her YouTube channel and I just had a note from Ari Shine that he's going to be doing a Stageit show on Tuesday the 25th(Sept) - Check it and see how it's done!:
- Hey Jenn! I'm doing a show on Tuesday which is my record release date for Songs Of Solomon. I thought I would write you about it! It is pay what you can but all proceeds go to Art Of Elysium, who bring music to children in hospitals!
So if you're not already hooked up with some live - online fun and shennanigans, get out there and get yourself plugged in - we all want to see you!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Did you know....
.......that Ravers will also play corporate events? Yes!!! That's right, most of them also know plenty enough cover songs to mix in with their original tunes to keep you and your guests happy, happy happy!
Please consider them for your next Corporate, Birthday, Christmas, Holiday or New Years Event - have guitars will travel so>>>> Contact us for more information!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Leading Moms event!
We're pretty excited to be a part of the Leading Moms event on October 3rd, as one of the Honorarium Sponsors! We'll be donating a set of the Very Vancouver Christmas Cds to each speaker! yay!
I think there are still a few tickets left, so please head out there if you want to hear some inspiring mom stories - free child care and meals - we can all use some inspiration in our busy lives!!
And look at the list of speakers and performers! What a great start to fall!
Monday, September 17, 2012
How did I not know Hannah?
I love finding new artists, and bonus points when they're local! I really must have had my head in the sand (or broken water main mud more like) to miss Hannah Epperson - but so happy to have found her at last - check her out kids - dreamy goodness ~
Hannah Epperson
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Let's blow it OUT!

Summer I mean! ....As I am writing this the weather is changing and the clouds are rolling in - so what better way to blow out summer, than to celebrate the 7th year of IPO at the Railway all week long!?
Have you looked at this artist list! I mean holy wow - get out as much as you can this looks to be the best year yet, and I am not saying that because I am biased in any way, shape or form....(A few of our faves: Tuesday 11pm Jason & The Diatonics/Wed 8pm - Laurie Biagini/Fri 11:30pm The Top Drawers /Sat 9:15pm Danny Echo)~
Post your IPO 2012 photos on our fb wall for your chance to win some cool merch! Now get out there and partay the summer away!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
The right time & the right place with Amanda Bauman

One of my favorite things is seeing the almost spiritual moment, that flash of light that happens when preparation and opportunity meet. It’s a rare occurrence in life, and even more rare in the business of music, but once in a while it still happens and I love to see it when it does.
Take the case of Amanda Bauman, or ‘AmA’; a lifetime love of music, 8 years of hard work and a chance meeting in a bar with the creator of the upcoming series Bullet In The Face, Alan Spencer.
Amanda thanks for taking the time to do this, I know you’re having a busy week! Can you tell us a bit about how you got your start musically, and maybe a bit of your background?
Sure! My earliest memories of songwriting began at the age of 2. I remember running around tirelessly, singing and making up songs in the backyard of our farmhouse in the Midwest. Putting on performances for any relative or baby sitter who would listen. Growing up in the small town of Blue Springs, Missouri does conjure up many idyllic memories of singing in school choirs, lead solos in various plays, and playing flute in the orchestra. It kind of felt like living in a season of the TV show Glee, as my early years seemed to revolve around music in a wonderful way.
Things changed drastically however, when my parents divorced. We moved to northern California where the new middle school I attended had virtually no musical community, and being in the choir was about the most “uncool” thing you could do. All of sudden my training in music stopped and I sunk into a sulky teenage depression which spawned a whole new phase of my relationship with music. Keeping to myself in my room I found solace in bands like Depeche Mode, The Cure, and New Order, and the beginnings of my love for electronica music.
Eventually, we moved back to the Midwest and I attended the University of Kansas. Against, all “practical” advise from family I decided to reunite with my passion for singing and performing. Shortly after graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Theater and Film and a Bachelor of Science in Advertising I moved to Los Angeles an embarked upon the journey.
I’ve now lived in LA for about 14 years. A journey that has led me to become a self produced indie artist with my first full-length album and song licensed to be the theme song for the new dark comedy/satire on the IFC channel, Bullet in the Face, starring Eddie Izzard and Eric Roberts. Whoa, Eddie Izzard!!
Yes! Airing Thursday and Friday nights this week on IFC! It’s very exciting, and of course every artist’s dream. I know every indie artist will want to know: how did you meet BITF creator Alan Spencer and ultimately get your music to him?
I was bartending at the time, when Alan Spencer creator of the show, came to know I was a musician. Alan was sort of like a mentor, always encouraging me to stick to my path. Eventually, I handed over my first EP to him and then he told me he wanted to license the song ‘Dispatch’ for the theme song of the show he was creating.
Honestly, I didn’t believe him at first…. I was sure somehow it wasn’t true…. really, until the day I actually signed the contract! But, wow, what a feeling!
All the years of vocal training with my coach Donald Earholtz, developing my recording and studio techniques with various bands and recording projects, hours of writing with my producer Patrick Doyle suddenly made the 8 years of focus, obstacles and trusting in the process of my development, completely worth it.
It is so exciting when this happens! Has this opened more doors for you, or solidified anything for you personally?
Well, being able to say I have a song licensed to be the theme song for a TV show definitely seemed to legitimize my career as a singer/songwriter! Pretty quickly after the licensing deal I was hired to work with two different producers.
For several months I worked via the Internet with producer Paul Zasky of this great Dub band based out of Vienna called Dubblestandart. In the fall of 2012, I will have 2 tracks featured alongside some pretty awesome female vocalists, including reggae legend Marcia Griffiths, on an album called Women in Dub. There has also been talk of a tour, which would be fantastic.
Also, to be released in the fall, are several down tempo ambient tracks I did lyrics and vocals for with producer Cato, for his album Eccotonic.
That’s amazing, and I love that you are working internationally, I think most artists are not aware of how easy collaboration really is.
Where do you see your career heading – where do you see yourself in the long and short term?
I’ve started writing another set of songs with my producer Patrick Doyle. I’m proud of the first album I’ve written, but do look forward to learning from some of the mistakes I made. I’m hoping to pare back on these next songs I write and create a less produced sound.
Amanda we work with a lot of young and new artists who are just getting their feet wet. Do you have any advice for newbies - music or anything else, from your perspective?
I feel really fortunate to be living in a time where people like me, who want to self -produce music, have so many advantages through social media. It’s seems really important to try to keep educating myself on all the social media outlets that are out there. It can be tough sometimes being in charge of the creative and marketing aspects of this business, but I really credit my meditation and yoga practice for helping me stay centered and open to creative processes.
I think most importantly, as I reflect over the last 8 years of diligently pursuing this dream, I’m highly aware that the passion I’ve felt about music has kept me going. I’m grateful for all the other musical artists that have influenced me with their sounds and lyrics that have somehow healed or inspired me.
You are so grounded I love that! Do you feel like your stability lends itself to you offering something different in your music, or do you do something different from the pack that makes you stand out?
In my spiritual practice I’ve learned that there are really only 2 basic emotions that you can operate from, either fear or love. When you lead your life from love~ meaning loving what you do, loving yourself, your songs, your mistakes, even the naysayers, you learn to trust in yourself and the process. Operating out of fear only leads to self-sabotage and lack of growth. So I encourage any newer musicians out there to give themselves time to grow and learn and to LOVE the journey. You’ll never know how you might be rewarded for sticking to your passion, but when you trust yourself, ultimately it will all pay off.
I agree 100%! And thanks so much for this, I’m really excited for the show this week and to see what will be coming up next for you and your music.
Here is a sneak peak at Amanda’s latest single ‘Come In’....
Thursday, August 9, 2012
A quick chat with Kate Kelton
Of the people who I know that are highly successful, be they musicians, artist, actors or anybody who is a top professional in their field, they all have one thing in common - the are multi talented. Kate Kelton is no exception and if you haven't seen her art, then you know her as the famous tic tac girl, or maybe you've seen her flogging Cadillacs, or perhaps you've read her in Making It In High Heels. Regardless of the 'where', suffice to say everything Kate Kelton does has a snazzy, biting snap, and ooh lala, wait until you see what Kate's up to now ~
Kate! I know you're in NYC for an art show right now, and fresh off the set of Haven, thanks for making the time to do this! I guess this would be a great place to start - your uber busy life; I know you're either working on a painting or on set somewhere, just exactly how do you stay in balance with art and acting? Or is it those two events that actually keep you in balance?
Absolutely!! :} Because one is so solitary and the other so communal, if I lean too hard in either direction for too long, I inevitably pine for the other, so I suspect all the to and fro is ultimately what keeps me from losing my mind.. or what's left of it anyway ;}
And being as balanced as you are, I am guessing it provides a bit of stable ground for you and as I'm all about epiphanies these days; what was your most recent life’s-big-lesson?
To trust myself :} For a decade now I've known that this summer would present a bit of a breakthrough for me, based only on my love of astrology. When I booked & shot my very first series last year, (IFC's 'Bullet In The Face'), I had no idea at the time they weren't planning on airing it until THIS summer, discounting the theory that I'd somehow manifested this all by myself. And yet when I found out I'd be spending most of this summer in Nova Scotia shooting a wonderful, multi-episode arc on SyFy's 'Haven', you could have knocked me over with a feather! Two series. One summer. There were so many times I came SO close to giving up, but trusting myself is likely what ultimately fulfilled this prediction, because when the summer of 2012 was all I had to cling to, it really did get me through the worst of it. Even if it DID still shock me when it finally arrived ;}
Ok yes, let's get to the fun stuff! With Bullet In The Face coming up on August 16th & 17th, I really wanted to ask about this project as it involves some amazing people, and it's your first lead -yah!! Anything that stands out about the experience?
I was not prepared for just how EXHAUSTING it would be, actually! I have no idea how Max Williams did it, as he carries the show on his shoulders, primarily. But the incredible part is how much input you have in creating the character, the nuances of performance, the look of her, etc. You have all these remarkable professionals at your disposal who present you with unending variables to choose from, and it becomes this collaborative art form where everyone's talent gets a chance to shine. That's a long way from, say, doing a walk-on, bit-part where everything is pretty much dictated and established before you even set foot in a fitting room, make-up chair or set. Actually being continually asked for my opinion and input was completely refreshing :}
I like that, it's nice to get to that point in any project where you can really be an active participant, and I must say, you were collaborating with an incredible cast and Alan Spencer and Eddie Izzard hello!? I have to ask what it was like working with Alan and Eddie, those are some huge names!
Life-changing, utterly. The comedic minds and cumulative experience of these two men made for an unforgettable experience. Alan is full to the brim with incredible stories and razor-sharp insight, and can, with one phrase, turn a scene on it's end and expose it's underbelly to the light of day. And Eddie has at his core a strength, intelligence and resilience I was completely blown away by. The level of sensitivity and dedication to his craft was unparalleled, and working opposite him revealed a new surprise I never saw coming, nearly every minute of every day. Remarkable men, truly, the both of them.
Well I agree completely and you all shine in your performances here, and of course, Alan, genius full stop. I know you've been back up in Canada filming for the series you’re on now, 'Haven' for SyFy. What’s it like shooting in Nova Scotia?
I had never been to the Maritimes before, so I swear, for the first few days I was here all I did was hyperventilate: inhaling the sweetest, cleanest air I think I've ever given my lungs the pleasure of breathing. But then there's the PEOPLE! So sweet, so kind, so generous to a fault. Every one of them willing to go the extra mile. There's such an overarching pride in workmanship, and even on the longest days, you'd be hard pressed to find a grouch in the bunch. Is smiling mandatory here? It could well be. But it's never saccharine or cloying, it's always heartfelt and true. I feel like I've made some lifelong friends here :}
Any Favourite episode so far?
Oh there are so many! Jason Priestley directed our Halloween special, and working with him I was completely unprepared for what a 'mensch' he was. I'd heard he was unbelievably gifted as a TV director, and I knew he was an outstanding actor of course, but I was blown away by what an incredible human being he was. His love of the job becomes completely infectious, and I can still hear his sweet giggle erupting into the wee hours of the shoot as I type this. Unflagging enthusiasm goes a long way when you're in the tiny, airless, cramped rooms of a haunted house for days on end. He made it a sheer pleasure, constantly showing us adorable videos of his kids between set ups, and never tiring of our questions and requests for more stories. Just so wonderful.
Nice! ok, bit of a break from work for a moment, because I recently saw a jar of something on your Facebook page so I have to ask….Any vices or guilty pleasures?
Nutella!! It was my peanut butter having grown up in Europe, and I have zero control around a jar of the stuff. When I shot all those Tic Tac ads, I had no idea Ferrero made not only Ferrero Rocher and Tic Tac's, but Nutella as well! The lovely VP of Ferrero's Marketing ended up sending me a CASE of the stuff: 14 jars! Aaand, it took me exactly 14 days to lay waste to every last one of them. Nutella and toast were all I ate for two weeks straight. I mean. That's a PROBLEM. Hahah ;D
I see no problem there Kate!? Haha - Ok have a WOW for us to end on? (Words Of Wisdom)
I've always loved the saying, "Our heads are round so that thoughts can change direction," by painter and poet Francis Picabia (1879-1953). Becoming too entrenched in any one modus operandi can be a death nell to creativity, so I try to stay fluid and let come what may. Trusting my ability to stay adaptable to any circumstance has helped me in more ways than I can count; in making art, in acting, in traveling, in life really. (I suppose the ONLY thing it doesn't apply to in my life is Nutella! hehe).
And lastly, there is a little photo you have of yourself as a child with your big glasses and shy smile(actually maybe not that shy!), and you've said a few times that you still see yourself as this girl – and well, the characters we see on screen and the themes in your bold and ballsy art are quite different! Soooo, I’m thinking there was a little bit more spark behind those glasses than you let on. Care to comment?
OMG, you're probably COMPLETELY right!! Nailed it :} hahaha
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
A rare event you won't want to miss -
If you know Gina Williams, you know excellence. Now, back to the concert piano after a decade - Gina has some pent up energy to get out - be there for it!!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Grab the chance - and be ready for it!
Of note:
a) she was prepared with her backing music and maybe most importantly;
b) she is not a professional musician or artist, so had no hang ups about what she should or should or what she was 'suppose' to do. She just did it.
Or as Gerry Lev would say, 'just get it done'.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
On Tour - Jason and the Diatonics

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
just another random bit of praise for tanya davis

Thursday, June 7, 2012
Summer 2012

Make Music Vancouver - June 21st Come and see loads of ravers - 170 artists and bands in total - one day, one place - don't miss it! The shot above is from the promo video shoot.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Your FB fans may not be seeing your posts - a fix

Thanks to Beck N for posting this - do check it out - with all of the recent changes Facebook fans may not be seeing everything you post - here's is a fix - I haven't tried it yet - but check it out:
Part 1
Part 2
Let me know if this works!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Greatest honour!
You know I don't ask you for money, but this is the most worthy cause - helping to raise a peaceful generation!! Please give if you can;-)
See us here in Shambala Sun!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Space - The Final Frontier and Music Monday makes it!

Astronaut and musician Chris Hadfield and Barenaked Ladies’ Ed Robertson to co-write official song for Music Monday 2013 to celebrate music education
May 7, 2012 – A new partnership between CBC Music, the Coalition for Music Education and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) will take the annualMusic Monday celebration of music education to new heights – with a little help from Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield.
A veteran of two space shuttle missions, Hadfield is scheduled to blast off this December for a six-month mission aboard the International Space Station (ISS), during which he will become the commander of the spacecraft – a first for any Canadian.
In addition to being an astronaut, Hadfield is also an accomplished musician and songwriter, and while on the International Space Station, he will collaborate with multiple Juno Award winner Ed Robertson of Barenaked Ladies fame to write and premiere a brand new song in time for Music Monday2013.
Hadfield says he can’t wait to try collaborating on a song while in space. “I want to record as much as I can on orbit,” he told Robertson, when they met for the first time at the CBC studios. Click here to see the video:
2012/5/Ed-Robertson-and-Chris- Hadfield-prepare-to- collaborate-between-earth-and- space “Just so you don’t have any technical troubles, I should probably be up in the ISS, because you’ve got a lot of science stuff you’ve got to deal with,” Robertson offered.
“That makes sense. And the guitar’s out of tune up there, you could bring some strings!” Hadfield answered.
Kidding aside, the two have discussed details of how they can communicate during the songwriting spaceflight, and the underlying sentiment of the song.
“The message I would like to weave into this is the miraculous nature of what human beings are capable of,” Robertson said.
“I agree. It’s all about overcoming limits – that’s what drew me into being an astronaut,” said Hadfield. “I tell the kids all the time – in space, you’re a superhero: you can fly, you could lift a tall building with one hand. But if you want to get there - or wherever you want to be - you need to set your goals high and be prepared to work hard.”
Both say they can’t wait to hear their song being sung by school kids all across Canada.
“CBC Music has been proud to support Music Monday for the past several years. This year we are thrilled to have the rich partnership further expanded to include the Canadian Space Agency and astronaut Chris Hadfield as well as the Barenaked Ladies,” said Mark Steinmetz, Director of CBC Music. “We are delighted to co-commission with the Coalition the first song to be premiered simultaneously in Space and on Earth, and it is a thrill to have the song be a driver in helping celebrate the role of music in the lives of Canadian children.”
“Music Monday exists to celebrate the galvanizing power of music and to highlight the importance of protecting quality music programs in our schools,” says Coalition for Music Education Executive Director Holly Nimmons. “We are so very delighted with this partnership with the CBC and the Canadian Space Agency, and the prospect of this collaboration literally taking the spirit of Music Monday into space aboard the International Space Station to spread the word about the importance of music making for young people everywhere.”
Music Monday is celebrated on the first Monday of May each year as students and teachers take their music programs outdoors and into their communities, performing the same song at the exact same time, uniting the entire country in song.
Over the coming months, Hadfield and Robertson will craft music and lyrics for the official Music Monday song for 2013. CBC Music will produce a series of videos of the collaboration progress, giving music students and fans an inside perspective on their songwriting partnership as it unfolds – with Hadfield in space and Robertson here on Earth – as well as insights on Hadfield and Robertson’s musical backgrounds and influences.
The finished song will be premiered on all platforms on CBC (CBC Radio One and 2, CBC TV and in 2013, and will be performed by hundreds of thousands of students across Canada on Music Monday, May 6, 2013.
This year’s theme song for Music Monday, “Tomorrow is Coming,” was written by Juno Award nominated, Canadian Folk Music Award winning artist Luke Doucet. Co-commissioned with CBC Radio 2, “Tomorrow is Coming” is available on iTunes, with proceeds going to support the work of the Coalition for Music Education.
About CBC Music
CBC Music is Canada’s free digital music service. For the casual listener to the hardcore fan, connect with the very best Canadian and Internationalmusic, concerts, features and other music fans. Simple and easy to navigate, CBC Music gives Canadians access to 40 web radio stations, 12 distinct genre-based music communities plus CBC Radio 2 and CBC Radio 3, content from the most knowledgeable music personalities and programmers from across the country, hundreds of concerts, playlists and more. Experience CBC Music online at The CBC Music App is available for free from the App Store on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch or at Follow us on Facebook at or on Twitter @cbc_music
About the Coalition for Music Education
The Coalition for Music Education works to raise the awareness and understanding of the role that music education plays in Canadian culture, and to promote the benefits that music education brings to young people. We envision Canada as a country where the lives of all children are enriched by quality school music programs, and where their active participation in music is valued and supported in our communities. For more information, please
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
RIP Muddy Fraser

I owe a lot to Muddy, he was one of our earliest supporters. He gave us our own special version of Christmas In Vancouver for the very first Very Vancouver Christmas album. And in doing that he gave me hope that our little project could work.
Even though he was sometimes swallowed up by depression, he would always re-emerge, sense of humour intact, and holy cow he made me laugh.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Losing Levon

I keep watching for the post - refresh, refresh - I usually see it on Reuters or sometimes someone posts it on their wiki page.
I remember writing something here when Mary Travers passed away, about how influential she had been in my life, and Levon is just the same - it was like finding the perfect most comfortable pair of shoes ever - the music of The Band, and Levon's voice- that was my music - that was my perfect fit - I remember the day I first heard it, the time, the place, who I was with, everything like it was just this morning.
It wasn't that long ago that I was reminiscing with Maud and Garth Hudson about the Band days. We had talked about a Band reunion, we had talked about trying to get everyone together for 'Last Waltz Anniversary' show. We weren't sure which members would come, we didn't pursue it at the time, but it was still tempting in our thoughts and we thought 'next time'.
I know everyone goes away and at my age, my heroes are at that time of life, but no coming no going, Levon will still be around - I just wanted to acknowledge the impact this man and his work had on me, in my lifetime. Splendid and profound.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Don't make fans!!

So>> you know how back in the beginning, stories and traditions were passed around by word of mouth - you know, my mouth your ear, your mouth their ear etc etc? Well I think that's where music is now, it's come back full circle. With all the noise of the world - the internet, and advertising, and everybody up in your face - I think that really good music gets passed around from mouth to ear - by your friends and people who's opinions you trust.
So>> there is so much good music out there - if you hear something good, take a minute and tell someone about it. I'm not talking about just supporting artists now, I am talking about what's good for the listener - good music feeds you, the same way a good book, piece of art or a thick poutine does. It fills you up - and isn't that a nice feeling to give a friend?
So>> what DOES this mean to the artist? Go CONNECT with people, go out and MAKE FRIENDS not fans and you'll make the world a better place > honest.
Here's a start - I like this song so I'm telling you about it - Now it's your turn your turn - go tell a friend about a song you're into today - SO>>>easy.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
MEMa is live!

And we're live! Come and check out the beginnings of MEMa! We're planning for some summer & winter events and we are really hoping to be on the road in 2013 - come along for the ride!
Check us out HERE!
Greg, Stu and a trip to Uganda

Below is the info link to the 10 minute film cut by ORF Austria from Gregory & Stu's recent Jane Goodall Institute travels to Uganda. The clip will likely be at the end of the show, on ORF Thema on Monday night @ 2110 CET - there should be a working live stream for ORF2 online if you are not in Austria, or just don't watch TV. :)
I hope you enjoy watching this if you do have a free moment in the day, it was a truly incredible journey to be a part of and hopefully the film will create a new awareness in the eyes of many tv viewers around Austria and beyond.
Stu Jolley
Sunday, March 11, 2012
And on the flip side....

Thanks to new fb friends I am finding all kinds of amazing talent on the other side of this globe and I can't wait to tell you about the people and their art - check out this photographer Ryan Lee -
I don't often ask you to support someone, other than buying a cd or helping out a charity - but Ryan is saving for a new camera, and selling his prints - got a spare spot on your wall for something that will amaze you daily? Hit him up!
"Sleep deprivation has some perks. This is what happens when you drive 400km in a day- you find yourself interstate after crossing a timezone, a few metres underground in a narrow damp shaft at around 1.30am local time, unable to sit down, stretch, or move around very much because of the slightly muddy ground and damp and narrow inhabited walls, hanging around for about half an hour only accompanied by a tripod, camera.. and thousands and thousands of glow worms. Orange glow is from a baffled head torch I turned on for a fleeting second to get some detail in the environment. Without the short head torch blip, even 30 seconds at f/2.8 on ISO3200 on a 5DII yielded a pitch black background. Rosebank, NSW - 11/3/2012"
Monday, March 5, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Asher Wallis - Against the Stream
A New Peace Is The Way Film Video - Asher Wallis - Against the Stream - Filmed right in Plum Village - close your eyes and you'll be right there!
Monday, February 13, 2012
For Valentine's Day: A new artist for you to love.

You know me, I just love clever, and when I see an artist doing something different I always take notice. I am so fortunate that I get to see amazing people at the very start of their careers and this new artist from Brisbane, Australia has taken image to the ninth degree. His visuals are as interesting as his sound and I like'em both! Can't wait for more - check out his first three tunes on YT, then like his fb page and check out more really cool photos and behind the scenes shots.
Meet Luke Mansini.
"For the moment my plan is to keep recording tracks for my debut album. I hope to release it late 2012. I dont have any near plans to play gigs or shows but I do want to film and record live acoustic performances to post on the net throughout the year. The visual art side of my music is very important too and I'll continue to combine the two. For the first part of my life I was 100% focussed on visual art but now the tables have turned to music. Music is now a 24/7 career for me as I try to make up for lost time. If I'm not playing, writing or learning about it during the day, I'm dreaming about it when I sleep."