I keep watching for the post - refresh, refresh - I usually see it on Reuters or sometimes someone posts it on their wiki page.
I remember writing something here when Mary Travers passed away, about how influential she had been in my life, and Levon is just the same - it was like finding the perfect most comfortable pair of shoes ever - the music of The Band, and Levon's voice- that was my music - that was my perfect fit - I remember the day I first heard it, the time, the place, who I was with, everything like it was just this morning.
It wasn't that long ago that I was reminiscing with Maud and Garth Hudson about the Band days. We had talked about a Band reunion, we had talked about trying to get everyone together for 'Last Waltz Anniversary' show. We weren't sure which members would come, we didn't pursue it at the time, but it was still tempting in our thoughts and we thought 'next time'.
I know everyone goes away and at my age, my heroes are at that time of life, but no coming no going, Levon will still be around - I just wanted to acknowledge the impact this man and his work had on me, in my lifetime. Splendid and profound.