Hey everyone, this is a repost from last year - but so important I'm going to say it again. If you or anyone you know is going out for a meal to celebrate the Chinese New Year - please think carefully before you order!
When I was a kid, I watched Jaws through my fingers. When I was a teenager I watched Aliens and Amityville through my fingers too, and last night (how many years later?) I watched Sharkwater the same way.
Now, I have seen a lot of stuff in my time, I was a member of Greenpeace and am still a member of Amnesty, but last night, the combination of the viewing horror coupled with the shame I felt for being so blind, was enough to have me up half the night wondering what the heck we could do to make a difference. So here is.
Step one - Tell you.
Watch Sharkwater- Get involved in your world - Don't eat Shark Fin soup
Step two - Hook up with Rob Stewart or Paul Watson - savingsharks.com/
Rave On signed on to do what we can to save sharks. I know you are probably reading that asking yourself ' Save sharks? Give your head a shake Ashton!', but trust me, I'm right about this.
Step three - Possibly a large order here
Try to make sure that Vancouver's Asian community bans, boycotts and blacklists any restaurant or importer of shark fins or prepared shark fin soup. I know there are groups already working on this in Vancouver, so please do your part and if any of you want more information I'm on it. Write your local government check your local Asian food place do what you can. Can we create an embargo? Put on a live music fundraiser? Write me at raveonstudio@gmail.com and we'll work on it.
Sometimes I am so disappointed in myself. I fell for it, hook line a sinker as a matter of fact. I fell for the media hype and fear mongering, and I never stopped to ask myself - is it true? I have always been afraid to swim in the ocean, and when I do, I always look for fins, whether I am in Hawaii, the Cooks, Tahiti or just over at Sandy Beach in West Van. I was had.
My wish tonight is that I will no longer hold my hands over my eyes afraid of what I might see.
Be careful with your ocean. Pass it on.
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