Before I hog the blog with another AH Interview - I wanted to speak quickly about roles. One of the writers on NxEW sent this out in response to a band who had not done much in the way of PR - moral of the story - check your expectations of people you work with, be clear, and do as much as you can yourself - it is your gig after all!
"I don't know any of the particulars here, but this is a good time to remind bands---if they need reminding---that "talent bookers" are not necessarily "promoters." Some bookers do promote the shit out of the shows they put on, but I know others who don't. And the latter aren't necessarily bad people, it's just that they see themselves as playing a different role. Again, speaking generally, it seems important for bands to know ahead of time which one they are dealing with. And, as someone pointed out above, it's crucial for bands, especially when they are on tour, to be on top of their websites and social media. If they can't do it themselves, they should hire a publicist ahead of time. Even a few blog posts in the right places can help get the word out, especially in smaller markets where music fans don't get as much chance to see touring bands as we do here in Toronto. It's also important to search out complimentary local bands to open or headline, so that you can play to their fans, and make connections for future tours. Etc.
Good luck to everyone on the road this summer."
(And thanks to Luke Setzer for the image!)
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