Friday, April 26, 2013

A walk through the week

So much happens around here that the months literally fly by. This week there was just so much coolness, I thought I would set it out here to share. 

The weekends were 17 - 19 hour days and the week days probably 13-14. Trying to go to bed earlier to spend more hours in the sunshine this week! (It's actually amazing to look at everything written out - I can see where my time is spent. Have you tried this?)

I really hope you have time to check some of this stuff out, I'm sure I've forgotten some things, but you get the idea - Happy weekend kids!

Stuff I read

Bossypants by Tina Fey     #LOVED big time - Didn't think I could love her more ~ (Thanks Lisa!)

Eloquent Java Script - So great and free online! (Thanks Derek!)

The Power of Starting Something Stupid (again!) (Thanks Richie!)

Stuff I listened to

Morelove - Old Tomorrow

Sophia Danai - Wishing Well

Stuff I watched

Lovely Hannah

Amazing Santiago

I dared

This amazing video!

Websites I found

Yoga I did

Addicted to Busy

Some of the Lakshmi Series

Neck Stretches

Mantras I chanted

I just finished the 21 day meditation and have begun  21 days of mantras

So far we have done:

Om Shanti Om
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha

Work stuff

I also worked on the soundtrack for The 5 Powers which will be ready for CDBaby right away, and connected with someone I haven't spoken with in ages.

I also spent most of the sunny hours in the yard clearing up the gardens, starting the new compost and planning for the yard. We removed one of the sheds and reclaimed an amazing gazebo - it's been an amazing week.

I completed my outline and synopsis for Aspire TV

Made a few notes for some upcoming Soulpancake stuff and newsletters, but have mostly been writing down ideas around revamping the .com.

Study stuff

I had a quiz for Python
Readings for Kant
Lecture on writing iOS Apps

Stuff I made

This Biscotti is amazing and I can't stop eating it, full stop.

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