Loads of paperwork and contracts today, and drums on Melissa's Christmas tune. Getting festival submissions ready for Blind God and Melissa and booking fall and winter gigs. Tomorrow night Melissa will track bobby's duets and the final Christmas tune vocal.
Spoke with Doug today who just acquired MDI, very exciting, AND the weather sounds great out there! He's picking apples from his tree! The weather on the coast this summer had been so cold, our neighbour's old Macintosh tree only has apples the size of crab apples this year.
CBC called for Melissa, we're playing phone tag...not much else new, so busy but thankfully we now have Lynda giving us a much needed hand with the Christmas album marketing!
Oh had an email from Rich up in the Yukon, I hope he's getting some fishing in! Lucky bugger!!
C had to play tonight, so our week began early. When he gets in (around 3:30), we'll watch the rest of The World's Fastest Indian; Anthony Hopkins is SO good playing Burt Munro!! Even if I didn't love motorcycles, I would watch just for this performance....(even though his accent oft slides into undertones of a Dubliner...he can be forgiven!).
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