There is no excuse, I have been a bad blogger lately. I have nobody and nothing to blame, not Luongo for distracting me with amazing saves, Alex Highton with his great music, David Suzuki with his EarthRun(.org) event, the sun with it's heat...nothing....no excuses.
That being said I am trying to mend my ways. Here is a weekly update and a few of the sites that I promised....
This is a crazy busy time, we are working like mad trying to finish Bobby's album, drums tonight and whatever we can fit in tomorrow.
I am starting to set up the Rave On RoadShow, taking music out to people who can't get out to venues to see live events, (the first show will be at Freedom Place in Surrey on May 8th with Ranj Singh).
We've also been getting everything organized for EarthRun on Sunday. Just had a good chat with our Volunteer sound person, thank you Simon!
In the midst of all this I found Alex Highton (myspace.com/alexhighton) and we'll be helping him get his album mixed and ready to go and we're hoping to get some buzz happening out there for him as well. We've had some luck so far with a few British websites and a newspaper. We'll keep at it, this guy is amazing and I have a good feeling about him.
Here are a few sites I've sifted through for you as well:
>Getting started on Twitter:
>Putting it all together - Your image:
>And a little something about Happiness(I hope this one works I had to login for it, if you can't get it but want to read let me know and I can cut and paste, it's really good):
OK, now get out there and have a great week! And I'll be back tomorrow - REALLY!
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