So much going on here at ROS now that our wee Olympic break is over ~
I just finished a quick video for Derek and SXSW, on 'helping out'.
We're working on a single of Piper McKinnon's; one of her amazing new tunes , "Sharing the Mary's"! (pipermckinnon.com).
We've welcomed Matt Stanley to the Rave On family; watch for Matt and his band 'The Decoys', around town this summer! (matt-stanley.com).
Have started a mix on one of Skulastic's tunes ' The Real McCoy' and I LOVE it! She got to hook up with Mark Farina when he was here and that was really exciting!
Getting ready for an album release from MRDC - hurray (www.mrdc-music.com)!
Working on getting all the material together for a Rave On page for Barry, Canwest and the Province Playlist - 10 artists! The material is amazing, I'll post when it's up and check out this week's artists, including Mr B!:
Uhmmm, what else, oh yes starting on finalizing the artist line up for this year's David Suzuki EarthRun (Ranj is helping out this year - yay):
We're also going to be helping Alex Kleider promote his new film, (but I'll blog about this separately, soon!)....
And for the past 24 hours I've been helping a friend search for a Big Band song for a film, so went to the man himself Dal Richards (http://www.dalrichards.com), and was blown away to find out that he (at 91) and his wife still sit down together every night and answer email;-) I also had a new song sung to me on the phone - how luck am I!?
Oh and setting up a jam for C's BD on Friday! Can't wait to give him his gift!! Thanks to John! (http://johnjorgenson.com/).
Oh, and one more great thing, brought Terry onto the Donkey project today after his amazing Mariachi audition! Ole! hahah (terrytownson.com). We can't wait.
I know there is a ton more news, but right now at nearly 2am, after a night of clearing through old papers and basement finds, I am a wee bit tapped, but more soon!
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