Tuesday, March 23, 2010

SXSW - we all got a little action!

For those of us slogging away and unable to get out to SXSW this year, Derek being his lovely self, gave us a chance to be there and pass along some advice to participants during his Key Note Address. Here I am.

I hope I got my point across, all I could think about was 'wow, do I ever look like Ned Schneebly in School Of Rock!' Do you see it?

1 comment:

becky nielsen said...

HI Jenn,
Good for you! Glad your extending yourself has paid off in such delightful ways, and as you say, when you do pitch in and help, that in itself, is usually a great reward! Loved seeing you on the vimeo - fun to see a face and hear a voice when you've only had print contact.