With all the social networking options we have available to us today, facebook, myspace, twitter, schmusic parties and even gigging in busy clubs, how much information you give out is more important than ever. This is not for those of you out to find a date or mate, but out to network as a means of finding leads and building support for your music and your music business.
There are some do's and don't out there and here are a few of them:
#1 You may not be giving enough information. If you are speaking to someone in person you should talk about hobbies, movies you have seen or books you have read. You don't just confront someone and start talking business. It can be the same on a myspace or facebook profile. Show enough personality that someone can connect with you, but don't give away the farm. Note here, if possible, try not to connect on negative levels or it can just turn into a gripe session which leaves a poor tasting first impression.
#2 Don't say too much, give out personal information or even your phone number unless you are sure you want that call. Have a separate email address for work, and/or cards ready with you or your manager's contact information on them. Here is a good rule of thumb I found about what to post up and what not to say: " -- imagine having a conversation with a client. What types of details about your life would you feel comfortable telling your client? Those are good ones to share on your profile. What types of things would you NOT want your client to know about? Leave those off." In a club or in-person setting, a basic rule I also use is: be 'friendly not familiar'. Oh, and on more big thing here that may help curb your enthusiasm for telling everyone something only your spouse should know - especially if you are trying to network for work - don't get wasted!
#3 Last point and then I'll stop lecturing is: don't sell too hard or you will just turn people off. 'That doesn't mean you can't sell at all, but building relationships and connections should come first. Selling should come second. And when you do sell, make sure you keep the relationship-building up. Talk about yourself what you do, but do it in a non-hype-y way that shows your personality. And don't forget to add in a few personal details so your friends and followers can get to know you as a person.' And an important note here for in-person meetings, be interested in what the other person has to say - networking goes both ways and more often than not, you should wonder; 'what can I do for this person, not what can they do for me'!
OK, now get out there and mingle people!
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