Busy days as usual - but a bit of a break, Carlos (carlosdeljunco.com) was in town last night - great show - but bad and muddy sound, which is a shame, but what a talent!
Coming down the home stretch on another of Bobby's tunes, so just 5 more to go for this album. I may edit & mix iPod tonight, I don't think there's much to do, just awaiting GB's thoughts on it and can hopefully get a radio mix/master happening.
I caved and said I would write two articles for the April issue of Gonzo, so will need to get on that before Junos. Finland was so large it wouldn't fit in the March issue of Siirtolaisuus-Migration Quarterly, so part one will be published in the May/June issue and the rest of it in the last issue of the year. The family were ok with it, and Dave said they've '... waited 60 years already, what's another few months!'.
Still trying to tidy up Christmas album sales and get on this year's cover so Johnny has something to work with for the new website design.
EarthRun(.org) is coming along and I am still trying to get a PA donated and the sound person sorted. It's been a joy to set up, so nice working with organized people, makes everything so easy when we all do our parts.
So far behind on my phone calls, sorry Gina...need to get some material for the PT course....soon, soon...but, at least with daylight savings, even though we lost an hour to the void, it 'seems' as if the days are longer when it is so light outside....
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