This was posted today on the Dr Z forum, and as usual Buster had to get his two cent in there - what a dog - I thought I should post it here too as it really does work and will save you headaches and time!
Can't remove speaker
« Thread Started Today at 9:45am »
I recently bought a used Maz 38 1x12. The speaker will not come out of the cab. Unscrewed it and it just seems stuck..almost glued. Even tried prying it out. No luck. Any suggestions?
Re: Can't remove speaker
« Reply #2 Today at 10:56am »
The paint is still curing when the speakers are installed, so they stick pretty tight sometimes. If you pry them, you risk tearing the gasket and then you have a bigger problem. Trust me, I speak from experience.
Use a thin putty knife to work under the gasket and get it loose. Work slow and patient - putty knives are really hard on speaker cones. Take your time.
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Dr. Z SRZ-65; Dr. Z Maz Jr Combo; Dr. Z Stingray; Dr. Z Maz Sr; Dr. Z RXES; Dr. Z RXJr
Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. - Arthur Schopenhauer
The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
Godfather/Owner/Creator Z Amplification
Re: Can't remove speaker
« Reply #4 Today at 5:18pm »
I'd like to concur and further the previous by saying that even well after the paint is long dry(years even) the speakers may stick. Ditto with the putty or butter knife and lots of patience. I've spent as long as an hour to remove speakers. Once out though don't assume the problem is forever over. What I like to do is cut some rings the size of the speaker gasket, out of freezer paper or some other paper and glue stick them down on the speaker baffle before replacing speakers. Next time you remove the speakers they don't stick at all and you will save hours of needless work and spare your speaker gaskets too.
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