....here is a little more about 'Success'.
I am not sure if you want to watch the entire 25 minutes, but in case you do here it is:
It is Gov. Schwarzenegger's Commencement address at USC a few weeks ago. He had some great things to say about his steps to success, and no matter your politics or preference for action movies, you cannot deny that he is the successful person he wanted to become.
I took notes for you. So here it is, Arnold's 6 steps to success:
1) Trust yourself, figure out what makes YOU happy.
2) Break the rules(not laws), think outside the box. (Says his wife has a T-Shirt that reads: 'well behaved women rarely make history').
3) Don't be afraid to fail
4) Don't listen to the naysayers, don't listen to anyone who says it can't be done. Instead use it.
5) Work your butt off, no pain no gain. He says, even if we sleep for 6 hours a night, look at all the rest of the time we have to work towards our goals!
(He interrupts himself here to quote Ted Turner: "Early to bed early to rise, work like hell and advertise!").
6) Whatever path you take in your life, you have to find the time to give back.
(He quotes Gen Schriver here, but I didn't get it word for word, something like: tear down your mirror that makes you look at yourself, look beyond yourself, only then can you help others).
So there you have it, some wise words. He also said 'I'll be back!", but you probably could have seen that coming.
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