Days like this are required once in a while....reading, eating, laughing,(minimal work - I only sent out 4 emails!) and remembering favorite songs...
We were remembering a song we use to listen to a lot 'Mo' Better Blues', and were going to download it with one of our free iTunes credits. I looked for it, and oddly enough it is not on the soundtrack album??huh?
But a great thing happened instead I found a version that was so amazing to me, I stopped dead in my tracks. Ok, high drama- (What do you expect I've had my nose in a book all day and I'm all cracked up on oatmeal cookies) - but seriously, these guys are so cool: SOIL & “PIMP” SESSIONS, a wild jazz sextet from Japan.
Their version of Mo' is so cool, I mean, I have no words for how cool this song has become in their hands, it's seriously chilly, I mean get a sweater!
(I could only find the live version of their 'maxi' single (our version of a 3 song EP), but the studio version is on 'Pimp Master').
It looks like they're probably well known in the UK, but I have never had a sniff of them over here until today.
They are described as 'death jazz', but I would have to disagree, because this find brought me back to life today.

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