Made it with 20 minutes to spare before another week went by for the lazy blogger..
We have been really busy mixing Melissa's album and for the past few days, trying to stay cool.
The album has gone to mastering, which although it is also a very intensive process, there are long periods in between phone calls and edits, so there is a small relaxation window as well.
A very busy few days will be coming up with updating websites and MySpace pages, getting the album cover finished as well as the pre-order ready to go. It's all a bit of a balancing and juggling act...but it is also the exciting part, full of anticipation, hope and a lot of dreaming!
It's also going to stay hot I've read, thank goodness we bought the last paddle pool the hardware store had. It eases my mind considerably to know Buster is comfortable.
On another random note: In my spare moments now, I have been trying to catch up on my reading etc and last night I listened to a pod-cast interview with Jeremiah Owyang (www.web-strategist.com). He was talking about the new social media and how it will effect marketing. He was mentioning that many sites now have places where the consumer can log on and comment and drive sales (or not!)...and how that actually effects advertising. It made me start thinking about how it's true, people today want information, not a sales 'pitch', that's how social media works.
A very important point for anyone trying to sell anything.
Ok that's me over and out, I have promised myself to actually do a #FollowFriday this week...more very soon with lots of album updates...and you can hear more from Melissa herself at: http://www.youtube.com/TheMelissaEndean
Stay cool out there and remember a general rule of thumb is that you should be drinking half your body wght in ounces (of water!!) every day, and that thirst is not an indicator of dehydration - wght loss is!
There, knew I went to that fancy school for something....
(Photo courtesy Patrick Wong)
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