Well, yes, the lazy blogger has had a wake up call. Thomas told me about Google Analytics and now that I actually know how many of you read this blog, I am determined to get back into a regular groove!
So, I'll start with an update....
We've finished tracking for Bobby Richards' solo project and are working on the last few of Melissa's tunes. We're doing guitar here and Jerry Cook and Terry Townson are tracking horn's at Terry's place next Friday - I can't wait to hear! I had the sound in my head of an old SNL band horn section for the song 'Evolve', and Jerry grabbed onto that vibe right away, so I'm really excited, especially since we get to add Terry to our amazing team!
Alex's (myspace.com/alexhighton) Cd has gone to manufacture and this week I am sending out the advanced copies to radio etc. I hope he's having a great vacation in Italy!
The RoadShow is doing well and I am still looking for more facilities and hospitals, need to get on that.
Melissa has a photo shoot on the 25th. We have had some interesting ideas for the album cover so we're going to see if we can make it work, and would also like to update the website and make it more interactive. I just love what Imogene is doing with her Vlog as well, so Melissa has begun her own - check it out: http://www.youtube.com/TheMelissaEndean, I'll see if she can post something up just for you!
Hummm, let's see...Buster is well and making great friends on Twitter! I'm nearly finished reading Dove (Thanks Paul Laine), by Robin Lee Graham, that plus the amazing weather we're having really makes me want to sail.
Ok music, yes, after Melissa's album we'll take a few months off...unheard of! I need to finish book and get Christmas album organized, and we'll know near the end of Aug if we'll have a film project....hey wait did I say time off? Not sure why my list is growing....
Anyway, blathering on here..also wanted to link you to this interesting take on the United Airlines/Taylor Guitar story: He's tied it in nicely with the way one needs to work in the music industry and really any area these days, make it about the fans, your people!
Ok and please, if you can, mark Olga's show on your calendar, it's her Vancouver debut and it's going to light the place up!
More soon..really!
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